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Fake Skokka sales people

The scammer contacts the advertiser via WhatsApp and pretends to be a Skokka sales person.

Typically the fake sales person will start the conversation by telling the advertiser that they have noticed a decline in views of the ads published by the advertiser, then they offer a supposed satisfaction survey, in which, at the end, the advertiser would have to pay a commission to receive a positive rating. Furthermore, the scammer promises to sell credits at a lower price than the prices charged on the website.

Important: This type of approach is an attempt of fraud. Skokka does not require payments in exchange for positive evaluations or reviews.

What to do if you receive a suspicious message: Contact us and gather as much evidence as possible, including: 

  • Telephone number of the person who contacted you
  • Screenshots of the conversation with the scammer
  • Any other relevant information

This way, our agents will be able to identify the scammers and take appropriate action.