Stop all scams!

Have you been a victim of a scam, threat, or blackmail?
Here you can find help!
Learn how to report criminals and protect your rights.
Once you have submitted your complaint, we will collaborate with the appropriate authorities to provide all the necessary information to prosecute those responsible.

Are you an advertiser?

Are you an end user?

Have you been a victim of a scam?

Follow our advice to report it!

1 – What type of scam have you experienced?

A – Account error:
Make your report now!

B -Irresistible promotions:
Make your report now!

C -Advance payment for service:
Make your report now!

2 – If the scam does not fit these cases

Fill out the form and tell us about your experience

3 – Send the report to the cyber police

NOTE: We will make available all information related to the report and provide it to the authorities upon request.


Top scams for advertisers


Main threats and extortions to visitors

I want to be contacted

Skokka will always be ready to help you, providing you with all the necessary assistance